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CyberGlove Systems Announces NEW CAD eValuator

A new software application is being developed and is aimed at facilitating interactive and immersive computer aided drafting and design. Known as the CADeValuator, this solution will be a fully immersive real-time 3D reach and ergonomics evaluation application, driven by CGS’s CyberTouch articulated data gloves. The gloves are fully tracked in space by a magnetic tracking system and display configurations include 2D monitors and 3D TVs. When it is combined with a head-mounted display, the result is that the user has a natural pair of hands and head-tracked vision in a realistic 3D world. The prototype system at SIGGRAPH 2013 in Anaheim demonstrated the system’s elegant two-handed object manipulation, viewpoint navigation, and snapping capabilities.

The CADeValuator supports the process of importing native CAD objects from many major formats, configuring those files in a 3D scene, and then experiencing the scene from a first-person point of view. Physics will be added to the CADeValuator in time for the I/ITSEC 2013 Conference in Orlando, FL. CyberGlove Systems is now accepting pre-orders for the CAD eValuator. For more information, please email us at [email protected] or call us at (408) 943-8114.